Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Quote / Testimonial:

The Practice has an active patient group who meet regularly with the Practice to discuss services provided at the surgery.

The patient participation group was set up in 2011 after advertising on surgery notice boards and asking patients directly during attendance at surgery.

The group now has five members, all patients registered at the practice. There are 3 female members and 2 male members. Both main and branch surgery are represented. All patient members are White British. The Practice representatives that sit in this group include at least 1 GP and the Practice manager.

Join our Patient Participation Group

If you are interested in joining our group please ask at Reception for an application form.
Once you have completed and returned the form we will contact you as soon as possible.

We are also considering a Patient email group for patients who would like to influence our services but are unable to attend meetings and would prefer to e-mail their comments to the Practice and other members of the Patient Group.
Please let us know if this is something that would be of interest to you.

Our Primary Care Network

In addition to the Practice PPG, the Practice is part of North Doncaster Primary Care Network, Primary Care Doncaster

Doncaster North Primary Care Network is a NHS collaboration between 9 GP Practices – The Great North Medical Group, The Ransome Practice, The Lakeside Practice, Scawsby Health Centre, Petersgate Medical Centre, Askern Medical Practice, Denaby Medical Practice, Don Valley Healthcare, and Park View Surgery. We are working together to provide extended services.

We are part of Doncaster North Primary Care Network to help improve access, availability and quality of healthcare provided in the community and closer to where you live.

In addition to our Practice PPG (Patient Participation Group) we welcome you to join The North PCN Community Forum, which is a group to share your experience, knowledge and work together to help improve the way health services are delivered for you, your family and others living in your local community.

If you are interested in being part of this exciting development, please click here to download the ‘Join Your Local People & Communities Forum’ registration form and hand it in at your surgery.

Meeting Minutes

Please view the minutes from the meeting on the 4th July 2023.